Well friends, despite our lack luster posting on the site the first of our friend group has finished his book and is selling it on amazon, Desert Streams, the first chapter of Leodhas and Spes and their world is available. I hope you join us in reading this wonderful work of science fiction, and continue …
Category: Updates
Hello Nerds, Friends, and Poetry Fans?
Hello my friends, let me welcome you once again to the home of a few eccentric writers, this week and in the next two weeks along side now our bi-weekly short story posts, we’re also going to be venturing into a territory some are more familiar with then others… Poetry! That’s right! In the next …
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Hello New Friends, Nerds, and Fiction Fans!
Welcome to Triglyph Entertainment, the site is still in production, we’re still figuring out our objectives, and there a more then a few things to work out. But I’m happy to see you all here, and I hope we can entertain you! Here you can find our first post, the first chapter in an upcoming …
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