By J. R. Louis, the first chapter in the adventures of Harvey, a distant history to adventures of Leodhas and Spes Across the frozen tundra of Nivis’ mountain plains, two robed figures marched in a familiar lockstep while one trudged ever further behind. The harsh wind cast the light, cloth coverings behind backward in unruly …
Leodhas and Spes: Chapter 1; The Intruder
By J. R. Louis, the first chapter in the adventures of Leodhas and Spes In the reaches of galactic independent space, a vessel succumbs to a surprise attack by a hostile force. As that force began to engulf their prey in a tractor beam, soldiers’ feet clamored on thin deck plating on the way to …
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Hello New Friends, Nerds, and Fiction Fans!
Welcome to Triglyph Entertainment, the site is still in production, we’re still figuring out our objectives, and there a more then a few things to work out. But I’m happy to see you all here, and I hope we can entertain you! Here you can find our first post, the first chapter in an upcoming …
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